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Monday, February 20, 2012


What happens when some of your friends like you when you are taking anti-depressants and some don't?  What happens when some of your loved ones think you are fabulous when you are sober and some think you are really fun and interesting after you have had two Kahlua and Creams?  What happens when you don't like your personality in any of these situations?  Or, perhaps one state is good at one time and the other is fine at another time?  Who is right?  Who will decide when I am in my best state?  Which personality is the best?  It hasn't been a fun joke for some months now, but it was fun for a while....talking about the voices in my head and how (((we all))) needed to confer... the "personalities".  The phase of the process now, for me, it to recover who I really am and accept that others won't like me as I am. 

This is what we, who aren't in the business, call:  clawing one's way out.  Say a prayer for me, friend.  It is almost + Lent +
I am giving up hating again.


  1. Just remember, you've got one crazy jazz pianist/cantor/ friend who loves you and accepts you no matter your personality.

  2. Whichever one you are at the time is the right one.
