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Friday, January 20, 2012

The Hypocrites are us

Yes, kids, the topic this week over yonder in Facebookville is this one. Sigh.  "We" do our best to explain the Catholic response to riches and poverty, but in the end we all are hypocrites.

Often, um, VeryOften, I am the one with the "hypocrite present" light flashing above my head (as an alert for the aliens, you know).  The grace of Almighty God always sends something or someone around to remind me of "what I already know".  I know it's not just the Church Militant which aids me but the entire Church:  Militant, Suffering, Triumphant.

Even though you see something very bad about your neighbor, don't jump immediately to conclusions, but rather make excuses for him interiorly.  Excuse his intention, if you cannot excuse his action.  Think that he may have acted out of ignorance, or by surprise, or accidentally.  If the thing is so blatant that it cannot be denied, even so, believe it to be so, and say inwardly:  the temptation must have been very strong.
-St. Bernard, Sermon on the Canticle of Canticles, 40

Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.
-Philippians 2:3

So, next time you see me in Facebookville and I'm flying my freakFlag a little too high, remind me of what I already know, please.

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