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Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Our Lady of Sorrows

Today is the beginning of my favorite time of year, fall.  And it is the month of Our Lady of Sorrows.  The apologetics for all the beautiful teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary will wait, but even my Protestant friends may benefit, if they please, by meditating on the sorrows of this good Mother.  It is only in recent years that I have come to understand her:  a Mother of Sorrows.  Millions of mothers before me have united their sorrows to hers (and have lived to tell about it).  But what does it all mean? We have twelve months of the year, feasts and seasons and holy days.   This must be an important subject for our minds' time for the Church to ask us to at least "think on these things" during the month of September.

For depressed mothers, relating to and meditating upon the sorrowful life and heart of Mary is a no-brainer.  We spend countless hours feeling sorrowful over one thing or another. Tears.  Regret:  The Mother of All.....of all something.   But for the average mother and Joe Blow, Jane Blow and Child Blow out there, what does this matter, and why should we waste our time on such things which may even depress us?  Isn't daily life about ridding ourselves of misery and unhappiness and finding peace, love and happiness?  Why bother?

As a convert, in the beginning of my Catholic journey, Mary was a mystery to me and somewhat of a stumbling block.  Well, I never stumbled over her but I did have a good "block" regarding her and the teachings surrounding her.  No matter now, except,  if my poor brain develops anymore at all I may be able to share what I have learned someday. (I am not holding out for this.)   I do know that spending time quietly meditating/pondering/thinking about Mary's life is a very profitable endeavor and the benefits increase each time! (There IS a secret with Mary.)  And I do know, as a mother who suffers with depression, that "knowing" such extreme sufferings as those of Mary,  not only softens the blows of one's own sufferings, but infuses such unspeakable graces into the soul that a true union of hearts does occur (and a peace beyond understanding as with Jesus).  In reality the Two Hearts are inseparable.

This union of hearts is not butterfly and marshmellow talk...listen up, Adam.  The teachings on Mary are not girlish fantasies.  Saints and sinners have written on the subject for thousands of years.  Godly men (and women) are still complete and yet so lacking.  So revealed and yet so hidden.   I don't know if enough could ever be written on the union of one's heart with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary.  But men (and women) are writing and have for thousands of years.  (Even Martin Luther and John Calvin believed in the Immaculate Conception and wrote about the glories of Mary.)   It indeed, is a union of bliss.  A truth of the Faith.  A part of the Journey.
It is not a silly devotion (only) for blue-haired grandmas and unstable women (I said only).

So I wish you all a month of sweet, quiet time with the Lord Jesus and His Sorrowful Mother.  Whether you are suffering or not, someone you know is suffering or in need.  Open your own heart and see what happens.  And say a prayer for me, please.

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