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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Catholic Church the Whore - Facebook Page

Somehow I found myself on a Facebook group page named,  "Whore Catholicism vs. Bride of Christ".  You would think I would be offended by the name, but I knew where the authors were coming from.  I had been there for about 13 years until I entered the Catholic Church.  These Protestant members truly believe they are upholding the glory of God and fighting idolatry.  I did as well and even believed I had won every "debate" with my Catholic friends...back in the day.  There is another group which was formed to try to have this "hate group" removed from FB.  What to do?

I was on the hater's team back in the day.  It was fun, then.  Now I feel compelled, somehow, to engage with those who keep saying the same things I used to say.  I know the argument and I can give the Catholic response.  It is probably all of no consequence (we run around many circles) and that doesn't matter to me, because inevitably, we always come to a dead end...and yet another thread must begin.  Trying to win, judge who won the debate, etc., is not only a waste of time but most certainly a hindrance to humility....something which must be sought every second one is on the page. I also remember what Bl. Teresa of Calcutta reminded us of:  Obedience not success is required.

Pope Benedict XVI encourages us to engage others on social media sites to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and address the issues of our day.  This is an encouragement to me.  So is the young man I "met" on yet another Facebook Page called:  Catholic Teachings that are unBiblical.  (He was banned from the "Whore page".)  This young man wants to be a priest and I was most impressed watching him take on the big bad boys (and girls) on this page.  Now we are having private exchanges about favorite books (podcasts for him...punk), favorite authors, how to have exchanges with the Catholic-haters while keeping the mind of Christ.....It is truly a joy to have encountered him there.

So the question on the third page I found ("Whore Catholicism vs. Bride of Christ" is a HATE GROUP hiding behind a lie) is, "Should we engage the 'HATE GROUP' or, should we keep petitioning to have the group banned?"  I am there for now.  I have "seen" good things happen. I have seen hearts soften, including my own.   And it hasn't even been depressing. Yet. 

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