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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Putting out Fires

You know I'm going to rant with that title.  The week from hell continues far beyond eight days for me.  First my used cat just up and died.  I did want to give him away but I did not want to watch him cry and then die.  Twas a bummer for sure.  Then the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began and I found myself putting out fire after fire.  (((i usually like irony)))  This continues today.  It's like the moon won't stop being full.  I know this time the problem isn't menopause or MDD.  (((i don't think)))

There is fighting among Catholics over in Facebookville and here on the outside.  The Protestants are insulting the Catholics and the Catholics are insulting them back.  I try not to cross the line, but have turned on my caps lock for a few words, I admit,  though not to insult but to raise my voice.  I have been accused of attitudes and intentions which were unknown to me...cyber communication failures, I'm sure.  On the outside, the challenge to keep the caps lock off is more difficult.  Here I can't even keep track of all the fires around me these days.  The daily goal has become calmness and as much silence as I can endure.  Many things have helped me stay above the Total Crash Line.  The schedule, family, friends, food, prayer and the Church seem to be the foam for the fires right now.

I'm still trying...putting out the fires in my own head along the way...and very thankful to be hanging on...still.

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