'Tis a separate universe over there in Facebookville. The last time I realized this in the profound way in which I did these last few weeks, was when I wrote this - well, I wrote the title. In one day such irony took over my thoughts and invaded the pictures in my brain. It did feel like my brain was slowly oozing out of my ears.
This lovely and beautiful, kind and gracious Christmas season has left me out of breath and bewildered.
My invisible friends over There have sent me or wished me multitudes of Christmas blessings! Fabulous, indeed. I also have received about half of that number rude, perverted, satanic, romantic, ignorant, perverted private and public greetings. (((did i say perverted?))) I got Snarky, now and then. I don't care. no. mo.
I am who I am and know it well. I die daily! First letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 15: 31 +
Our rich United States of America (and preborn infant killing country) has forgotten her prayer:
Now I lay me
down to sleep.
I pray the Lord,
my soul to keep.
If I should die
before I wake.
I pray the Lord
my soul
We are so sure of our existence, apart from Almighty God, that we do not pray the prayer of deathSleep. Life must end for this day and, God willing, He grants us breath, we awake from the tomb of sleep, and begin again. Hopefully with a Morning Offering, Act of Faith, Act of Hope, and Act of Love. With our "priorities" out of order, we are free to awaken day after day the same. Another day to be rude, arrogant, romantic, perverted, prideful, judgmental, ignorant, blahblahblah...with invisible friends who may or may not be who they say they are. We are all friends. (((we are laffin)))
The beautiful song of the peaceful death. Dying daily. with Christ Jesus before our eyes.
((('tis funny. I had picket signs with Paul Hill (here) for a Pearl Jam concert.)))
Breathing! and wishing you and your loved ones a very hopeful and peaceful New Year!
I get the perverted ones too. :( You ought to see my "block" list. It's longer than my friend list I am sad to say.