It was agreed upon by all parties involved that I would have to write about suicide in many parts. Who knows when my brain will catch up with my hopes and I will once again be able to put my research to good use. For now, instead of the gory, beautiful, frighteningly-over-the-top suicide art, and painfully true stories and medical data, I offer something for wondering hearts: your suicidal loved one isn't always, "selfish" (if at all), as you may believe; and, they may or may not just be "looking for attention". The suicidal gesture is an action of self-harm indicating suicidal intent. Your loved one's journey began in his brain and no one knew what to do when they saw it. You don't know what to do now.
The suicidal gamble happens when your loved one intentionally, exhibits potentially fatal behavior. They engage in this because of the chance of rescue. So, the person's suicidal ideation, it seems to me, is the place to begin when attempting to discuss with your loved one why they behave as they do, sometimes. We don't have to have an entire script at hand, or memorized, or even "figured out" before we approach our suicidal beloved. One thought to "go in with" is sufficient, I believe. One heart which aches over the pain, loss, and suffering of your loved one will guide you through the remainder (if there is one) of your visit. We must expect nothing and be open to everything.
Don't ask how you make that contact in the first place. I would never be able to give one sure answer. All I know is don't stop....trying.
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